Friday, November 28, 2014

But I believe good things happen everyday.  I believe good things happen even when bad things happen.  And I believe on a happy day like today, we can still feel a little sad.  And that's life, isn't it?

I never changed.  I just learned.

If the words don't add up it's usually because the truth wasn't included in the equation.

If it's both terrifying and amazing then you should definitely pursue it.

I like people who have a sense of individuality.  I love expression and anything awkward and imperfect, because that's natural and that's real.

Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing.

Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult.

You can't let other people tell you who you are.  You have to decide that for yourself.

The Gospel is an announcement not an argument.  You share it.  Not shove it.

Friends come and go but Jesus comes and stays.

Some people talk about finding God as if He could get lost.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Don't let your struggle become your identity.

Anxiety happens when we think we have to figure everything out.  Turn to God.  He's got a plan.

There is nothing wrong with loving the crap out of everything.  Negative people find their walls.  So never apologize for your enthusiasm.  Never.  Ever.  Never.

You can hear what others have to say but LISTEN to God.

The God you serve is bigger than any problem you encounter.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Spiritual maturity isn't measured by how high you jump in praise but how straight you walk in obedience.

Sometimes God takes away something you never expected losing, but He WILL replace it with something you never imagined you could have.

When I lost hope, when I lost my faith, when I found rock bottom, that's where I finally met the Lord.  I couldn't see Him in ceremonies, or sermons, or dusty old Bibles.  But I could see Him plain as day at the bottom of that dark hole I dug for myself, and I've seen Him every day since.

Sometimes we create our own heartbreaks through expectations.

I wish people could just say how they feel.  Like, "hey, I really don't like when you do that to me" or "hey, I'm in love with you" or "hi, I really miss you and I think about you all the time" without sounding desperate.  Why can't everyone be painfully honest and just save people the trouble?

Be on fire for Christ and let that light ignite someone else.

The older I get the less I seek anyone's approval except God's.

Burger - $.99
Salad - $5.99
And you wonder why everybody's fat.

I've come to realize that you can't depend upon other people for what you want, and you can't be scared to go out there and get it.  You have to dream hard, wish big and chase after your goals, because no one else is going to do it for you.  And even if things don't work out, you'll always be able to say you tried.

Say it before you run out of time.  Say it before it's too late.  Say what you're feeling.  Waiting is a mistake.

I knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then.

I'm not fat.  I'm just easy to see.

People who say it can't be done should no interrupt those who are doing it.

Tragedies happen.  What are you gonna do, give up?  Quit?  No.  I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight to make sure you're still alive.  Because you are.  And that pain you feel?  That's life.  The confusion and fear?  That's there to remind you that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.

Trust yourself.  You know more than you think you do.