Saturday, June 9, 2012


It is unfortunate that we often treat God with less respect and consideration than we treat the people with whom we interact from day to day.  This is especially true when it concerns our sins.  Were we to come to the realization that we had offended, insulted or sinned against someone we know, most of us would be careful to word a sincere apology, and be quick to express our heartfelt remorse.  "I am so sorry" and "please forgive me" would be the natural and immediate expressions of our hearts and our mouths.  It is tragic that our relationship with God is often very different.  It is not uncommon to hear Christians respond to the realization of their sin with statements like "I'll work on that" or "I should really try to do better".  It is as though God where a concept or a standard that we were attempting to live up to, rather than a Holy Person whom we have offended.  In contrast, the Bible pleads with God's people to "Take words with you and return to the Lord; say to Him' forgive all our sins and rescue us graciously" (Hosea 14:2).  Jesus ordered this kind of direct and daily appeal to God when He taught us to pray.  "Our Father in heaven...forgive our debts." (Matthew 6:12). Let us be careful then, to thoughtfully and sincerely express our regret to God each time His spirit brings another of our transgressions into view.  God, of all people, certainly deserves our sincerest apologies.

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