Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Power Of Perception

Maybe you've been asking God to change your situation, when, in fact, you should be asking God to change you and your perception.  You cannot get your identity from your associates.  Your associates will indentify you by how they met you, by your background.  We need to learn outside the box.  Knowledge can be learned.  Wisdom cannot.  Knowledge can teach you how to load a gun, but wisdom tells you when to pull the trigger.  Do you know how to use what you've been given?  Are you using effectively what you have been given?  To put in effort and not get results means something is wrong.  As long as you see your life from a fearful perspective, you'll never be free.  When people really love you, whether you do well or don't do well, it doesn't change the way they feel about you.  Don't allow people's perceptions determine your realities.  There are people who are offended by you doing well.  How is it that Jesus found more faith outside the church than in it?  People who are exposed to opportunities and don't use them get offended over everything.  Think of the other side of the story.  Don't judge wrongly because you're too lazy to think it through.  Perception is powerful.  Satan used it in the garden of Eden.  It's what he does with us.  He plays with our perception of the situation.  All of man fell into chaos through failed perception.  When your perception changes, your condition changes!

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