Thursday, May 26, 2011

You Must Always Know How Long To Stay and When To Go

Sometimes there is something that you want more than anything in this world. You pray and beg and plead with God for it. You pound the ground in relentless prayer asking Him, Please God, Please! But it's when you learn the beautiful art of letting go that you realize it's in His hands. He's known all along, but what if it's not in His will? No amount of ground pounding prayer is going to give it to you. That, my friends is the protection of God...and after it's all said and done, you will realize that God had something far more amazing in mind than you could EVER have thought or imagined!!!! There's also the possibility that God wants us to become closer to Him. To crave Him as much as we relentlessly craved that "thing" (whatever that may be). Yeah, I know, God always wants us to get closer to Him, but you have to want have to do have to take action and build up that relationship with the LORD. You can't just say, "oh Lord, I want to grow closer to You" then do nothing about it. It takes an effort, and what if, just maybe, you put as much effort into building your relationship with the Lord as you did in pursuing that thing you've been praying for all this time? Wow, the time I have wasted in pursuing things of this world, thinking it was my idea of perfection, when in reality, it is just as flawed as I am. As we all are. Perfection only comes in 1 package...and that's our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Besides, real prosperity and blessings aren't found in material things or relationships. They're found in the Spiritual things of God. The Bible tells us that He will give us the desires of our heart, and I believe He will, but in HIS time. Our job is to grow closer to Him, walk with Him, hang out with Him, spend time with Him, show the world His love, preach His gospel. It's about the Spiritual, not the carnal. Yet, in our obedience, he will bless us with the desires of our heart. And after the experiences with God I have had over the past couple of weeks, I'm just bold enough, crazy enough, and radical enough to believe that there's always hope. After all, NOTHING is impossible with God. But, will my desire still be that which I have desired for so long? Or, will God place a newer, deeper, more Spiritual desire within me? Ahh..the beauty of just letting go, and letting God!

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